Xen Radio Episode 27

XEN RADIO is back! I took a few week off to get married and then visit St. Lucia, but now I’m back, and at a new time: 09:00 Eastern / 14:00 UTC. Episode 27 was a “classic” episode with a mix of tracks from the Western classical tradition and some rock/ambient tracks. Most exciting this week is Syzygy, a string quartet by Charles Corey, which was newly recorded and released on Navona Records’ Figments Vol. 2.

Episode 27 (November 16, 2019)

James Mulvale — “Headcase”
Ivan WyschnegradskyÉtude sur le ‘Carré Magique Sonore’, Op. 40
Charles CoreySyzygy
Gosheven — “Out of this World” from Bivaq
Larry PolanskyFreehorn
Brendan Byrnes — “Far Out” from Room Tapes

XEN RADIO broadcasts Saturday at 09:00 Eastern / 14:00 UTC on KPISS.

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