Xen Radio Episode 29

Returning to the air after missing a couple weeks (due to Thanksgiving and then sleeping through my alarm) this week’s episode featured rock, punk, electronic music, and some of the more “mainstream classical” microtonality.

Episode 29 (December 14, 2019)

Stephen Weigel — Grazioso (from Six Marcotonal Etudes)
Alois Haba — Fantazy for Nonet in Seven-note System No. 2, Op. 41
Wendy Carlos — “C’est Afrique” from Beauty and the Beast
Bill AlvesRational Basis
jock tears — “Boys with Bruises” from Bad Boys
Christopher FoxBLANK
City of the Asleep — “Slanting the Luck Plane” from HABAFROPZIPULOPS

XEN RADIO broadcasts Saturday morning at 09:00 Eastern / 14:00 UTC on KPISS.

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