Xen Radio Episode 28

XEN RADIO this week featured a little jazz, rock, electronic music, and other genres of microtonality by Billy Stiltner, Johnny Reinhard, Neil Haverstick, Trauma Triad, and others. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there is no XEN RADIO on November 30, but I’ll return on Saturday, December 7.

Episode 28 (November 23, 2019)

Trauma Triad — “Wittgenstein on Ecstasy” from Visceral Defects
Tenores Di Bitti — “Su rosignolu”
Billy Stiltnergroovy4.stiltner17.2.ji.submomentsp17.g7
Johnny ReinhardRhap(Sody)
Stick Man (Neil Haverstick) — Prelude No. 1
Philipp Gerschlauer, David Fiuczynski & Jack DeJohnette — “Hangover” from Mikrojazz
Feeding Goats — “Dawn” from Lights
Radionics RadioSocial Media (“More Friends”)
Dollshot — “She” from Lalande
Neil HaverstickIraq

XEN RADIO broadcasts on kpiss.fm Saturday at 09:00 EST, 14:00 UTC. There is no program on November 30.

24 Responses

  1. Vv November 24, 2019 / 3:56 PM

    thanks a lot for tenores and radionics

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