Xen Radio Episode 31 – HOORAY 2019!

As the final episode of the year, XEN RADIO Episode 31 is only music that was released in 2019. However, please note this isn’t a “best of” list, nor is it a showcase of the definitive xenharmonic/microtonal music of the year; rather, it’s simply a group of great tracks that all came out this year.

Episode 31 (December 28, 2019)

Mercury Tree — “I Am A Husk” from Spidermilk
ClaarmontPersian Glances
John SchneiderTombo por Lou
Frank Rothkammquarter fiesta 1 opus 827.03 3:28 (2019)
Harry PartchBarstow (1941 version)
Brendan Byrnes — “Life After” from Room Tapes
Sevish — “Unreality” from Horixens

XEN RADIO broadcasts on Saturday at 09:00 EST / 14:00 UTC on KPISS.

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