This week’s XEN RADIO is a more eclectic mix that usual. Opening and closing the show is the microtonal punk group, Jock Tears, and they’re joined by music from Gamelan Degung, Harry Partch, Horse Lords, and others.

Episode 18 (August 13, 2019)
Jock Tears — “Salt” from Bad Boys
Gamelan Degung — Sangkala
James Tenney (Elizabeth Smalt, viola) — Koan from the Postal Pieces
Georg Vogel — bbed (Gebbd as dFish)
Jock Tears — “Jock Tears” from Bad Boys
Gamelan Degung — Kapinis
Onur Turkmen (Tolgahan Çoğulu, guitar) — Merhamet
Harry Partch — Intrusion: The Rose
Harry Partch — Intrusion: The Crane
Harry Partch — Intrusion: The Waterfall
Horse Lords — “Bending to the Lash” from Interventions
Jock Tears — “See Ya Later Alligator” from Bad Boys
XEN RADIO broadcasts on KPISS every Tuesday at 09:00 Eastern Time, 13:00 UTC.