Xen Radio Episode 23

Joined this week by my good friend and dynamic singer/performer Siobahn Sung, XEN RADIO took a listen to microtonal music by post-war American experimental composers such as as John Cage, Joan La Barbara, and others. With the exception of James Tenney, most of these composers are not known specifically for their microtonal works, so these works either unintentionally use microtonal techniques, or are specific works that reach in that genre.

Episode 23 (October 1, 2019)

John Cage (realization by Amelia Cuni)Solos for Voice 58: Raga 1
Alvin Lucier (Arditti String Quartet)Navigations
James TenneySpectral Canon for Conlon Nancarrow
John Cage (Newband)Haikai
Joan La BarbaraAutumn Signal
Wendy Carlos — “A Woman’s Song” from Beauty and the Beast

XEN RADIO broadcasts Tuesday at 09:00 Eastern / 13:00 UTC on KPISS.

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