In some exciting news, I’ve begun producing and hosting a radio show. It’s called Xen Radio, and it broadcasts on, an internet radio station in Brooklyn.

Xen Radio features xenharmonic and microtonal music: music that utilizes tuning as a central part of it’s aesthetic. Regular readers of my blog will be familiar with that already, but the show has been on the air twice already, and will broadcast every Tuesday from 12:00-13:00, Eastern Time. Old episodes are available at the KPISS website, and I’ll post my track listings for each episode here. For now, here’s the first two episodes.
Episode 1 (March 12)
Easley Blackwood — Microtonal Etudes, No. 1
Noah Jordan — “Larry’s Song” from in some loung
Ben Johnston (Kepler Quartet) — String Quartet No. 8
Easley Blackwood — Microtonal Etudes, No. 7
Horse Lords — “Truthers” from Interventions
Horse Lords — “Encounter I / Transfinite Flow” from Interventions
Sevish — “It Is” from Rhythm and Xen
Sevish — “Neon Tetra Elemental” from Rhythm and Xen
Easley Blackwood — Microtonal Etudes, No 6.
Episode 2 (March 19)
Sevish — “What Year Is This?” from Rhythm and Xen
Lou Harrison (John Schneider, guitar & Erin Barns, percussion) — Serenade for Guitar and Percussion
Larry Polansky (Andrew C. Smith, fender Rhodes) — Piano Study #5 (for Just Fender Rhodes)
Aphex Twin — Selected Ambient Works, #2
Aphex Twin — Selected Ambient Works, #8
James Tenney — Harmonium1 (1976)
Sevish — “Desert Island Rain” from Rhythm and Xen